Full integration with your health system
We have created a solution that enables the integration with your Healthcare Unit software. Through our API, you can easily connect MpDS to the requirements of your daily needs.

Integration benefits

Instant integration with
the F3M Healthcare Unit Management system
If you already have F3M software, its integration with MpDS is fully ensured. F3M software for the healthcare sector is ready to use the MpDS API. Therefore, it is possible to benefit from all services without the need for an integration and development process.

Integration with non-F3M systems
MpDS offers an easy integration with already existing systems in your health facility. All MpDS services and features are made available through a RESTful API that offers a quick and flexible integration with any health system. Therefore, it is possible to integrate MpDS and the healthcare unit management software operating in a health facility, through a simple development process within the existing management software.

Dynamic and personalised content
for each health facility
MpDS is flexible enough to allow some personalisation, according to each client’s needs. It is possible to personalise some of the data that will be available on the app, such as: make a patient’s current medication visible on the app, as well as other relevant information that is already present in the client’s management software.

Clinical history “at your fingertips”:
medication, diagnosis, anamnesis, among others
In the treatment of wounds, MpDS offers access to additional information about the patient. Data such as current medication, diagnosis and clinical history can be easily consulted in real time through a smartphone.

Data update, security and
integrity guaranteed
MpDS, as any mobile app, is easily and quickly updatable, allowing its users to conveniently benefit from the latest versions. Moreover, MpDS uses security protocols that ensure compliance with all GDPR rules, thus guaranteeing data security and integrity. The authentication system is assured by the OAuth security standard, a protocol that is widely used and presents highly satisfactory security levels. Temporary access tokens are generated through this standard to allow communication with MpDS API, thus ensuring a secure access to data and the authenticity of the user that intends to consult such information.

User activation and management
MpDS user management is carried out in accordance with the healthcare unit management software existing in the health facility. MpDS users can be registered in an independent manner, but they need to be associated to a health facility so that they can have access and permission to access such patients’ data. A user working in different health facilities, both with MpDS, can access both by using a single login. The health facilities to which the user is associated are verified at login, allowing access to each one of them in an isolated way.

Patient data automatically available in MpDS
Access your patients’ information in a convenient, quick and effective manner, wherever and whenever you want. MpDS is available in a simple mobile app that can be used on a smartphone, providing all the information you need for the treatment of a patient with any type of wound. MpDS uses cloud services, which allows great information flexibility and availability anywhere.